Sunday, February 7, 2010


-Establish media contact and maintain relationship
-Promote awareness and images for clients
-Arrange PR events in line with brand targets
-Involve in PR programs in various fields, including Chemical, electronics, beverage, Jewellery, cosmetic, clothing, etc.

-Successfully ran various PR programs for top international brands
-Built up long-term relationship between media and clients

Report Directly to: Communications Manager
Number of Subordinate: 2
Zhejiang Philatelic Association
Industry: Company Type:State-owned Company Company Size:100 - 499 Company Profile:
2002-1 - 2004-7 Marcom/PR Specialist
Location:Hangzhou,Zhejiang Job Type:Full-time Department: Report to: Number of Subordinates:employees :
Job Category:
Career Level:
Responsibilities and Achievements:
-Support marketing objectives to execute media plan, such as news release, press conference, etc.
-Build and maintain media connection
-Arrange events management, such as seminar, exhibition, product launch, etc.
-In charge of internal and external communications between 70 subgroups and client organizations
- Handle internal press management.

-Consistently of communication message within all channels,
-Successfully coordinate with media, association members and clients

Report Directly to: Secretary-general
Number of Subordinate: 0
University of Stirling
2004-9 - 2005-8 Media Management Master Stirling, UK
Major Category:Journalism & Communication
Major Description and Courses: This programme is the first of its kind in the UK and currently ranked Top 1 in the UK

Main Modules: Media Economics, Marketing Communication, Media Environment,
Strategic Management, Organizational Behaviour and Analysis, etc.

Involved Projects in semesters:
Brand Communications Strategy of FT
Brand Communications Strategy of EasyJet Group
Brand Communications Strategy of Pringle

Have successfully arranged interviews with VIP in BBC
Interviewees: Simon Parsons (Chief Creative Editor); Uzma Mir-Young (Senior Editor)
The interview project lasted half a month. I have arranged every step independently, including interview planning, topic and questions preparation, interviewees selection, interviewees contact, face-to-face interview and information feedback.